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The One Who Got Left Behind

No one wants to read a sad story, but I need to write one. It’s about my dog Nalu who got left behind in Hawaii when I moved to Washington DC almost 6 months ago. When I last saw my beloved Nalu, he was sitting in the front seat of a car looking back atContinue reading

Jimmy and the Shark

“Oh man, you’re tight!” Jimmy says as he as he probes his powerful thumbs into my shoulder muscles. “Aieeee! You better believe it!” I laugh. Laughing when you’re in pain seems to be a guy thing. “What have you been doing? We gotta fix this!” Jimmy chuckles. I’ve had pain in my left shoulder forContinue reading

Aging Sucks

I have a birthday coming up. I will be eighty and I’m dreading it. I feel like my foot is caught in the railroad tracks with a freight train barreling towards me, its whistle blowing and its headlamp spinning madly as it bears down on me. This is it. Why should I complain? I’m relativelyContinue reading

The Dance of Intimacy

My wife Susan pulls out her old, weathered copy of the Study Guide for Marriage and Family Therapy, and opens it to a well turned-down page. Tears come to her eyes as she reads a quote by clinical psychologist David Schnarch: “Intimacy is the process of knowing oneself in the presence of another person. ItContinue reading

ULTIMATE HAPPINESS is the entertaining story of my spiritual quest for enlightenment, told through 100 short stories that are down-to-earth, deeply moving, and often hilariously funny. For 30 years I chased the carrot of enlightenment over hill and dale, sure I would find happiness or bliss around the next bend. But then, through the radical wisdom teachings of nonduality, I discovered that what I had been looking for had been there all along. It was my own Self.

“It is truly one of the most tender love story I have ever read.  Bravo!”
-Adele O’Neill, OBGYN Nurse Practitioner

“Peter’s memoir is articulate, wise, heartbreaking, and funny.”
-Judy Warner, Author of Let the Clock Run Wild

I could not put it down.  It made me cry and laugh, all in the best of ways.”
Amba Stapleton, Founder and Director of the Nosara Yoga Institute


On this site you may join in on my blog, read excerpts from my book Ultimate Happiness, and find links to some incredibly wise teachers. My sincere wish is to support you on your own journey until the moment that you discover that there is nowhere to go, and that any step towards anything is a step away from your own Self.
